I wanted something that she could keep wearing and would coordinate with most of her wardrobe so I chose two different brown fleece from Joanne when they were on sale. I drafted my own pattern and the hood ended up too big so it looked a bit more like a Jedi cape.
I appliqued on the eyes and nose and alternated two different colors for the wings and sewed them in staggered layers to make them look like feathers. I'm very pleased with the outcome and she has worn it a lot. She loves to wear it and it matches just about everything she owns. It's finally starting to get short on her so I'll have to draft up a larger one.
I love this next series of photos. She looks like a tiny Jedi.
These are not the cookies you're looking for.
and here she is a full year later wearing the same cape.
Awww, precious!!! Cute little owl cape and beautiful girl!